Prepositional complements in Serbian and German: Analysis of realisations in a Thomas Mann’s short story


  • Nevena Kovačević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology



prepositional complement, dependency grammar, preposition, German, English, Tomas Mann, Schwere Stunde


After a brief presentation of the fundamentals of dependency grammar, on which this paper is based, and after introducing the characteristics of prepositions as a word class, of prepositional phrases and prepositional complements in German and Serbian language, this paper primarily aims to demonstrate an analysis of the realisations of prepositional complements in the original and the translation of Thomas Mann’s short story Schwere Stunde (Weary Hour), in order to identify similarities and differences that exist in this area, but also to determine other tendencies that are typical for this class of complements. As the analysis of the selected corpus showed, the prepositional complement is present in both Serbian and German to a large extent and is characterized by numerous realisation possibilities. One of the most important conclusions reached in the process of comparing these possibilities in both languages include a relatively large similarity in terms of potential realisations. It should also be mentioned that there are numerous variances that partly depend on interlinguistic differences and partly come from artistic or translational freedom.



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How to Cite

Kovačević Н. (2022). Prepositional complements in Serbian and German: Analysis of realisations in a Thomas Mann’s short story. Živi Jezici: Journal for Foreign Languages and Literatures, 42(1), 93–112.



Linguistics and Applied Linguistics