Интертекстуалне везе романа Странац и Мерсо, контра-истрага: постколонијално преиспитивање Камијевог наслеђа


  • Jovana Ivetić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology




subalternity, canon , intertextuality, postcolonialism, The Meursault Investigation (Meursault, contre-enquête), The Stranger


The paper analyses intertextual relations between Alber Camus’ The Stranger and Kamel Daoud’s The Meursault Investigation, shaped as a postcolonial dialogue with Camus’ novel, but also with the ideological implications of European classical novel. Starting its analyses from the relation between the novels, the paper gives a short summary of two directions of interpretation of Camus: one direction is mindful of novel’s intention and the other one deconstructs it, by focusing on the implicit ideology of the said. The paper takes into account overall Camus’ work, as well as the broader context of existentialist philosophy for interpreting the intertextual relation between the two novels. The paper tries to find the middle ground between two interpretive directions, showing the ambivalence of Daoud’s re-writing of The Stranger. Finally, the paper points to a possible typological connection between Camus’ implicit narrator and early postcolonial thinkers. It also shows the connection between the oppressed and the absurd man, that is, the different use of the term absurd in Camus and Daoud’s novels.



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How to Cite

Ivetić Ј. (2022). Интертекстуалне везе романа Странац и Мерсо, контра-истрага: постколонијално преиспитивање Камијевог наслеђа . Živi Jezici: Journal for Foreign Languages and Literatures, 42(1), 25–41. https://doi.org/10.18485/zivjez.2022.42.1.2



Literature Studies