
  • Ана Вујовић Универзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултет




French language for specific purposes, teaching profession, project- based approach, assignment, textbook


The project-based approach to learning foreign languages, and especially the languages for specific purposes, is particularly suitable for developing cognitive abilities because it combines physical, mental, and linguistic activities. The advantage of learning based on project tasks lies precisely in the meaningfulness of these tasks in an authentic language communication. In teaching and learning foreign languages for specific purposes tasks include not only linguistic component, but also professional, sociolinguistic, sociocultural, and intercultural components and contribute to the professional training of students. The paper analyzes first the possibilities and advantages of the project-based approach in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes, and then the role of teachers of foreign languages for specific purposes, the necessity of serious preparation for this type of lessons, their great professional competence, imagination and patience. Using both descriptive and analytical methods, we propose a project-based model in the French language instruction for pre-service preschool and primary school teachers that would respond to the specific needs of their future professional engagement and would therefore positively influence their motivation and also lead to their better achievement. We conclude that examples of project-based assignments should be included in all textbooks of foreign languages for specific purposes because this is the best way to make the learning of this subject matter meaningful and to develop students' awareness of its importance, while the knowledge they acquire becomes more permanent as students learn through experience.


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How to Cite

Вујовић, А. (2023). A PROJECT-BASED APPROACH IN TEACHING THE FRENCH LANGUAGE FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. Živi Jezici: Journal for Foreign Languages and Literatures, 43(1), 105–117. https://doi.org/10.18485/zivjez.2023.43.1.5


