Presence of idioms with the component "eye" in the translation of the Bible into Italian, Spanish and Serbian


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Bible, idioms, eye, equivalence, Italian, Spanish, Serbian


The subject of this paper is the analysis of idioms with the component "eye" that exist in today's phraseological fund of Italian, Spanish and Serbian, as well as their presence in the translation of the Bible into these languages. Using the method of contrastive analysis the type of equivalence between them was established, assuming that the existence of absolute translational equivalence between the idioms of three typologically (un)related languages would imply absolute equivalence in translations of the Bible text. Italian was the source language, and Spanish and Serbian the target languages. The aim of the research was not to find those idioms that have biblical origin, but to find somatisms with the component "eye" present in today's phraseological corpus of three analyzed languages, in order to determine if their use is equally represented in analyzed translations and if there are deviations and asymmetries in the translation. The results of the analysis showed the existence of similarities, but also of formal interlingual divergence in the translation, even in cases where there is absolute equivalence between idioms, although the semantic realization of the verses remained unchanged.


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How to Cite

Vujović М. (2022). Presence of idioms with the component "eye" in the translation of the Bible into Italian, Spanish and Serbian. Živi Jezici: Journal for Foreign Languages and Literatures, 42(1), 43–71.



Linguistics and Applied Linguistics